List of Chemical Compounds

This InChI Key database contains information of chemical compounds, including their names, molecular formulas, structures, and properties. Users can search for compounds by name, formula, or other criteria, and can access detailed information on each compound, including its molecular weight, melting point, boiling point, and other physical and chemical properties,, as well as tools for visualizing and analyzing the structures of the compounds.

An InChI (International Chemical Identifier) key is a unique identifier for a chemical compound, and it can be used to look up information on the compound in other databases. The molecular weight of a molecule is the mass of one molecule of the compound, and it is typically expressed in units of grams per mole (g/mol).

The following table lists the molecules in this website together with names, molecular weight and InChi Key which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as to look up the properties of specific compounds, to compare the molecular weights of different compounds, or to search for compounds with specific characteristics in other databases.


Instructions on how to navigate through the table:

  • Scroll through the table to view all the rows and columns. You can use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table or your mouse’s scroll wheel to scroll up and down.
  • To sort the table by a specific column, click on the column header. This will sort the table in ascending order based on the values in that column. To sort the table in descending order, click on the column header again.
  • To filter the table to show only certain rows, use the search bar at the top of the table. Type in a keyword or phrase, and the table will be filtered to show only rows that contain that keyword or phrase.
  • To change the number of rows displayed per page, use the “Show entries” dropdown menu at the bottom of the table. Select a different number of rows to change the number of rows displayed on each page.
  • To navigate between pages, use the pagination controls at the bottom of the table. You can use the “Previous” and “Next” buttons to move between pages, or you can use the page numbers to jump to a specific page.
  • To view more options for a specific row, hover your mouse over the row and click on the three dots that appear on the right side of the row. This will open a menu with additional options, such as the ability to edit or delete the row.